Reports & How-to Guides
Get access to researched reports and step-by-step guides to help you apply to a teaching program—from studying for tests to getting excellent letters of recommendation and everything in between.

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All About Salary & Benefits
Get the GuideGet all your questions answered—starting salary, vacation, career opportunities and more.
Guide to Getting Certified
Get the GuideThis guide walks you through the steps you'll take to earn your teaching certification.
Guide to Alternative Certification
Download ItLearn about alternative certification, with step-by-step instructions to get started.
Teaching Program Requirements
StartFind out what application materials you'll need, how to request transcripts and more.
Prepare for Certification Tests
Start PreppingFind out what exams you'll need to get licensed, and explore study materials and tools.
Pay for Your Teaching Program
Read MoreGet to know your financial aid options when it comes to paying for a teaching program.
Stellar Essays & Cover Letters
Get StartedLearn how to craft your personal statement or cover letter, and download our template.
Craft a Winning Resume
Get StartedNeed a fresh resume to apply to a job or a teaching program? We’ve got you covered.
Get Strong Recommendation Letters
Get the TipsFollow these guidelines to ask for a letter of recommendation.
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