TEACH South Carolina Logo

We’re TeachSC

We're here to inspire and help the next generation of amazing South Carolina educators—starting with you.

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Who We Are

TEACH South Carolina (TeachSC) is a statewide coalition of K-12 schools, colleges, government, community organizations and nonprofits. We’re here to help the next generation of South Carolina teachers by providing free tools to explore the profession, choose a pathway and get certified.

The initiative is led by the South Carolina Department of Education and TEACH.

How we help future teachers

TeachSC streamlines everything you need to know and makes it easy to understand. We’re proud to offer many free products and services to help future teachers get started.

When you sign up, you’ll get access to the following products and tools for FREE:

  • Up-to-date teacher certification guides
  • A searchable teaching program database
  • Detailed information about financial aid, salary and benefits
  • Customized application checklists, for when you’re ready to apply to a teaching program
  • Sample essays and resumes to make your application shine
  • $1,000 scholarships and fee reimbursements for things like testing and transcript fees

Frequently Asked Questions

About TEACH South Carolina

TEACH South Carolina is a partnership between the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE); The Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement; and TEACH (TEACH is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, founded by the U.S. Department of Education, with a mission to help people consider teaching and enter the profession.), South Carolina school districts, universities, and other educator preparation programs, and The Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA). This initiative is fully funded by the SCDE.
  • SCDE Logo

Create a Free Account

Sign up for access to everything we offer, right from your dashboard.

  1. Learn about your certification options.
  2. Explore teacher training programs.
  3. Get support for teaching tests.
  4. Apply for financial aid.
  5. Chat with certification experts via live chat, small group sessions or 1-on-1 meetings.

It’s all FREE and brought to you by the South Carolina Department of Education and our statewide partners.

By signing up, you agree to TEACH.org’sTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy. You understand that you will receive email and/or SMS communications from TEACH.org. You can opt out at any time by updating your Communication Preferences in your Profile. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the GooglePrivacy PolicyandTerms of Serviceapply.